Saturday 21 January 2017


Sherman Financial Group, based in Charleston, SC, is leading a corporate trend of community involvement. Sherman Financial Group Founder and CEO, Ben Navarro, founded Meeting Street Schools (MSS), a network of schools that serve under-resourced families in Charleston and Spartanburg. Navarro, along with help from other likeminded community members, developed MSS based on the belief that a child’s zip code should not determine the quality of their education. Meeting Street Academy Charleston (MSAC), flagship school for MSS, was founded in 2008. Since the school opened its doors, there have been many things to celebrate.Two cohorts of graduated fifth grade classesnow attend top quality middle schools in the Charleston area. The 2016 graduating class alone earned over 1.2 million in scholarships for the area’s top schools.

MSAC students and families never cease to show gratitude by giving back to their community. This year, on Friday, December 16th during morning carpool, MSAC students and families dropped off school supplies, toiletries, entertainment, household and other items that they had collected for the Carolina Youth Development Center (CYDC). This school-wide collection displays the spirit of giving that students and families demonstrate year-round.

MSAC chose to collect items for the CYDC becausethey care for young people who are victims of physical and sexual abuse, neglect and abandonment. The CYDC also provides resources and support to area families at risk of having their children removed from their home. The CYDC offers programs that reach over 1,200 local children and youth. Of the 1,200 children served, the Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring program provides caring adult role models to 182 local children from single-parent families. Sherman Financial Group is also a donor to the CYDC, helping to sponsor the organization’s annual fundraising gala.
MSAC students do not only give back during the holiday season. MSAC students demonstrate empathy, gratitude and citizenship throughout the entire year. MSAC teachers and staff place emphasis on these character traits as part of MSS’s Path to Success curriculum. By teaching Path to Success, children gain the social-emotional skills they need to succeed in the classroom and in life. 

Recently, MSAC students and families coordinated a “pay it forward” project to raise money to install an observation beehive at another Charleston County School. In order to “pay it forward” and provide another school with a beehive, MSAC students sold donated bottled honey (courtesy of the Savannah Bee Company) to their families, friends and Sherman Financial Group employees. All the proceeds from the honey sales fund the purchase of a hive for another school. MSAC’s observation hive was donated from another area school a couple years earlier. Observation beehives, developed by the Bee Cause Project, allow students to learn more about the positive impact that bees have on our ecosystem and truly nurture the educational experience for students in schools.

Teaching fundamental core values shared by Sherman Financial Group and MSS to the children at MSAC and fostering their interest in helping otherswill have a lasting impact on the fabric of our local community.

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